I'm in Calabasas, CA with 45 panels on my 2nd story tile roof. They have been in place for just over one year. The delivered power seems to have reduced from last year. Is cleaning the panels the remedy? If so how, what about a DI water rinse, like they do at car dealers.
11 years 7 months ago
If you want to know how much you are losing to dirt measuring the output before and after a cleaning is a pretty good way to get an idea.
You don't really need to use DI water unless your tap water has a high mineral content. Start by giving them a good hosing off when the modules are cool and if there are stubborn dirt spots a soft brush on a long handle will do wonders.
Despite what the salesman may tell you when they are going for a sale - yes, you do need to clean the panels - but once a year is usually all that is needed. My panels get covered in pollen during the spring months and I can see a very noticeable reduction in power. The rain does not seem to be able to rinse them clean. I get up on the roof with a long handle brush and a hose and they are cleaned in no time. - soap is optional. Most people probably just use a pressure washer or hose from the ground. HOWEVER, a one story house is A LOT different that trying to do a two story house.
New simsolar using only plain water no di needed!
SimPole Inc
We now have a solar cleaning kit that uses only feed water even at over 500 tds!
One of the only systems has a filter system that uses only feed water only!
1. sim33 4.5 x 6 each section is100% two types of carbon fiber SimPole
2. simhydrochanger 3 filter plain water system ( No DI Needed)
3. 100 foot 3/8 hose
4. 100 yellow feeder hose
5. tool box
Tried and tested in real use area! Hot AZ Sun
10 guys and 8 SimPoles with two solar 3 filter’s simhydrochangers units using only feed water with no worries about how high the tds was. ( Phx is between 475 to 900)
4 days and 16,000 cells cleaned or about 4,000 a day. About 50 a hour or 12.5 a SimPole
There is nothing like this anywhere and SimPole Ins has developed it and have tested it out on the Phoenix Airport parking garage.
“In fact, with 12,000 solar panels designed and built by SunPower Corp. on top of the Rental Car Center and nearly 4,000 also installed on top of the East Economy Garages, this project is expected to generate approximately 51 percent of the electricity demand at the Airport’s Rental Car Center, East Economy Parking Garages and toll plaza. In addition to saving energy, this will save $4.7 million dollars over the next 20 years.”