Hi There,I need your help for:For 70kW DC grid tie on a TPO 5 degree slanted roof what racking do you recommend? Do you have a system for this (panels, inverters, racking, BOS < 1.40 $/watt)?
Thank you,David Pham


Hi David, 
  On this project you should consider using a ballast mounted racking solution. The main benefits are - low cost, and no roof penetrations. Most ballast mount solutions are engineered for use on roofs with up to a 5 degree slope. 
Solar equipment has become astonishingly less expensive over the years. As recently as 2007 the average price of a solar panel alone was over $5/W!
 We are pleased that today, with our industry leading pricing, we are able to provide a full 70kw DC system with panels, inverters, racking, and BOS delivered for under $1.40/W. 
One of our account managers will be happy to contact you with more specific information. 
10 years 11 months ago
Asked by
David Pham