I have a Phocos 30A 24V Mppt controller. The max PVwatt recommended is 900W . However I have 4 x 250watts panels. Would connecting 1000 watts damage the controller.....or pull down efficiency?


It may not be an issue since normal conditions will produce something in the range of 180W per module. See the CS250 module data, below as an example.
Image removed.

Most charge controllers will just 'clip' any extra power, up to a point, and dissipate it as heat. The Phocos manual is not clear whether it's 900W of power or 900W of nameplate rating.Here is their contact info if you'd like to reach out to them for more info:
Phocos North America, Inc.Tel.: +1 520 777 7906info.na@phocos.com

11 years 8 months ago
Asked by
Greentech Renewables