Most grid-tied systems are for net metering.  But when the grid is down, there is no power reference, and the inverters don't work.  So, I could have 6 kW solar PV installed, but get no power when the grid is down.
I know of a solution, but does Greentech Renewables have a solution, retrofit?


SolarworX,You have several options. Here are the steps to follow:
  1. Determine whether your grid tied inverter is warranted to work with an artificial grid frequency.
  2. Establish a sub-panel with circuits for your protected loads and your grid-tied inverter(s).
  3. Figure out how much power you need for the protected loads (kW)
  4. Figure out your battery bank size (kWhr)
  5. Buy and install (between the protected panel and the main panel) an inverter/charge controller designed to AC couple to a grid tied inverter.
If you post some information on your existing system, we can make some suggestions on compatible equipment. 

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my system.......2 spr4000m......

2 strings of 9  spr 230

2 strings of 8 spr 230

12 years 5 months ago
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