We have an Apollo Solar Turbo Charge Controller and when we applied the input voltage battery to the charge controller the display LCD showed, " HIGH INPUT VOLTAGE CLEAR".   What are the steps to troubleshoot this problem?

Here is a photo of the display error:


Good questions.  

The Light Emitting Diode (LED) status indicator works in conjunction with the status screens. It is a three color LED (Green, Amber, Red).  If it is Red, this draws attention to error conditions displayed on the status screen.  The High Input Voltage – message, is displayed if the PV voltage exceeds the maximum Input Voltage.   After the error condition is corrected, pressing CLEAR will return to normal operation. 

Here is a link to the Apollo Solar T80 and T80 HV Turbo charger Installation and Operation Manual

Operational PV Voltage cannot exceed 140 VDC. Absolute maximum is 150 VDC. You may have too many modules wired in series. Check the voltages at your combiner box. 

What we also learned is that sometime Apollo Solar Turbo Chargers show the High Voltage error even when the operating voltage is not above the 150 VDC.  This problem was fixed but happens in units where the firmware needs to be updated.   When you reboot the unit, the s/n and version of the firmware will show up.  If the High Voltage error shows up and the VDC is not above 150 this might be the reason.   Be sure to copy down these numbers before you contact support as this might be the issue.   Once the firmware is updated, it should solve this problem.

Apollo Solar Turbo Charger screne at boot-up.


Error message due to either too high a VDC or firmware issue.

13 years 8 months ago
Asked by
Jeff Ramsay