Hi, Can you tell me the expected life of the pvx-3050 agm battery? I have a 16 battery 48 volt system.


Thank you for the question cperry.

AGM batteries last long. The battery life depends on your discharge rate, how much you discharge them, and how often you discharge-charge them.

For the Concorde PVX-3050, 6V battery;

The capacity of the battery would be 305 Ah at 24 hour discharge rate. For a system of 16 batteries, your total capacity will be 610 Ah at 48V.

In this case, if you draw up to 50% capacity (305 Ah) each time you use the batteries, it will have approximately 400-600 cycles.

If you are continuously using the battery bank -let's say everyday, your battery bank will last for 18-24 months.

You can increase the battery life by not withdrawing your batteries more than 70%. Let us know if you have further questions.

For more information, please read the following article:

Besides the depth of discharge (DoD) mentioned above, I can think of two other factors affecting your battery life. One is the operating temperature. The hotter the bank is above 77 degrees, the fewer cycles  they will have. The cycle life chart is based on a battery at a constant temperature of 77 degrees. As with all electronics, heat is your enemy.

The second is knowledge. How do you know you are reaching 100% SoC? I say this because most all of our customers undercharge their batteries. Each year we recycle over 40,000 pounds of batteries and most have been defecit charged to the point of damage. With AGM's you must monitor current to know when each string is fully charged. If you already know this, you are far ahead of the pack and can expect a longer battery life!

Starlight Solar Power Systems

<<How do you know you are reaching 100% SoC?>> This is a great point Larry!

Usually it takes twice as much to charge the battery from 90% to 100% as it takes to charge from 50% to 90%. The battery life drastically reduces when they are run in cycles without being fully charged.

14 years 2 months ago
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