During peak sun periods if I exceed the limits of my MX60 (900w).  Will it damage the unit or will the unit just back off?  It's a MPPT


Steve Seglem commented 13 years 10 months ago

I want to thank everyone who has replied to my post. You have all been a great help.

In regards to the MX60, when it reaches the MX60 capacity ratings, if I understand you right, if more power is being sent to the MX60 then it's maximum rating allows for, it will not damage the MX60, the MX60 will just shut down.  Now do you mean it will turn completely off, or it will just only allow the maximum amount of power it's rated for to pass through to the batteries?  In my example I'm assuming the batteries need the power, I realize that as the batteries get charged the controller will back off.  My concern is, that my  panel voltage in certain conditions may exceed my MX60 capacity rating.  As long as I won't damage the MX60 and it just allows the maximum it's rated for to pass through, I can except that loss of efficiency during certain periods.  Thanks again.


13 years 10 months ago
Asked by
Steve Seglem