The installation manual and the drawings of the Ironridge Side of Pole UNI-SP/01XH doesn't state the maximum and minimum hole distance.

It says: "If the distance between the PV module mounting holes is less than 37 1/8”, place the rails on the back of the panel so the lip of the rail...", but I don't think that this information is clear. 

Can I mount a panel with mounting hole distance of 40" or 35"?

What are the dimensions of Rails (51-0527-001) and Clips (51-4517-243 / 51-4517-244)?



Hi SunGuy, thank you for the question.

Yes you can mount  modules with mounting hole distance of 40" or 35". It can fit 37.125" +- 5". For your convenience, I am attaching the dimensional drawings of the clips and the rails too.

In fact, I just updated the IronRidge Pole Mount article. Please check:

13 years 10 months ago
Asked by
Phil Green