I am a solar installer and my customers are asking me what forms they should use to file their Incentive Tax Credit (ITC) for their solar installation that was installed last year.  

  1. What forms should they use in their returns?  
  2. Do they calculate their tax credit before or after their state incentive?  
  3. If we completed the install in 2009 but they didn't get their state incentive until 2010 what year does the property owner file the Federal Solar Tax Credit?




I always refer to the DSIRE site first to get a good understanding of current interpretations. It's got links to all the forms and code.

My accountant calculated the credit after the state incentive (since the state incentive was locked in as soon as I applied and reduced the cost of the system).

One important thing to remember is that all timing refers to the date the system was "put in service". Date of service has generally always meant "passed inspection".

Hope this helps.

15 years ago
Asked by
Greentech Renewables