I am looking for a 2.5 kw inverter. Looking at your web page I noticed there are 2 different models of SMA 2500 inverters ( SMA Sunnyboy 2500U SBD and the SB 2500HFUS ).

Could you please explain the difference of these two products?

Since I am building a small array for my customer and want to find a 2500 inverter that would allow the homeowner to add more panels in the future, which of those two inverters would start with a lower voltage?


SMA is actually no longer manufacturing the Sunny Boy 2500U.  The ones on the market are older production, so watch out for them.  SMA does, however make the Sunny Boy 3000U

SMA moved to the HF (High Frequency) models for the 2000-3000 W inverters.  The new Sunny Boy HF inverters are the next step in innovation from SMA. Featuring world-class efficiency, a slim-line enclosure and reduced weight, the Sunny Boy HF series of inverters can be mounted in between wall studs, making it perfect for new construction, in addition to space-constrained retrofits. Installation is made simple by automatic grid detection, field configuration for positive ground and a wide input voltage range of 175 to 600 volts, which provides exceptional system design flexibility. The graphic display has wireless Bluetooth communication system.

Image removed.

(notice the slim new design)

13 years 8 months ago
Asked by
Bo Mitchell