Could you help me understand the differences between Fronius datalogger web, easy, pro etc.? Thank you


Howdy, Waco!  It's good to see another Texan pushing our market forward.

We use a lot of Fronius given their ease of install, but it took a bit to get up to speed on their monitoring products. 

For customers that want to upload their production information to the internet without using a dedicated PC, they'll need to go with the Datalogger Web.

The Datalogger Easy and Pro both require a dedicated PC to upload to the web, but they're more cost-effective.  The Datalogger Easy can handle a single inverter, and the Pro can handle multiple.

I hope this helps you differentiate Fronius's monitoring options.  Feel free to ask any followups you might have.

This Forum is great for expertise exchange.  Know of any other Texas installers in this community?

Thank you so much pvtexasted! So, the only web option is Datalogger Web, the others are home display type of monitoring units. It's very clear now.

One more question;

What's the difference between IG wireless display and Datalogger Easy? Looks like the display is cheaper and can do exactly the same, right?


Sorry to disappoint you, but I have been in Waco, TX only twice and Waco is my surname. I loved the city especially the cultural heritage, but I am from Hingham, MA. 

I hear that there is lots going in solar PV industry in Texas. A new booming state after CA, PA, and NJ?

13 years 9 months ago
Asked by
Damian Waco