I am buying a Enphase Envoy IEMU Communications Gateway and I need to know the difference between the IEMU -02 and the IEMU -03 versions?  How are they different?


The Enphase Envoy Communications Gateway IEMU -03 is the new version of the -02.  It is the same commuication gateway as the IEMU -02; however the -03 now ships with a free ethernet bridge included with the Gateway (in the past you needed to buy the ethernet bridge separately) and a free lifetime subscription to Enlighten monitoring.  (in the past there was a charge for the monitoring service of roughly $2 / year / module.)   That charge has now been removed which is a huge change.   Enphase is also giving the Enlighten monitoring service for free to all past IEMU -02 customers thus when their paid subscription to Enlighten expires, their will not be a fee for the Enlighten service going forward.

13 years 8 months ago
Asked by
Jeff Ramsay