I have a XANTREX GT2.8-NA-240/208 UL-05 string inverter with (14) forteen SANYO HIT 190 WATT panels. (2) strings of (7)each to inverter.I need to know the parts needed and` connection diagram voltage & amperage. ARRAY volts- 345 amps- 7 near peak on inverter.Want to be able to switch back & forth if possible manually.


Happy to lend a hand.  If I am understanding your question correctly you would be interested in using the GT inverter when the grid goes down?  For example, you would want to switch from grid mode to an off-grid mode to continue to have power to loads?

Unfortunately, this inverter by nature is grid-tied only and it is meant to cease power production when grid voltage is no longer present.

The good news is that the inverter can be used in an off-grid with battery back up system when it is down stream of a battery based inverter such as the XW series from Schneider (Xantrex).

In this set up, when the grid goes down the XW would separate from the grid and produce power from the battery bank.  The GT could still produce power to loads as well as the battery bank.  The XW prevents power from any other source, including the GT, from backfeeding the grid when it is down.

This arrangement also works in an off-grid setting where there isn't grid power available.  Very versatile, but does require investment in a battery inverter, batteries and a few small balance of system components.

If you have any follow-up questions feel free to reach out.  We are happy to get you set off in the right direction.

9 years 8 months ago
Asked by
Charles Vosmera