(System just installed).... I tried comunicating with the SMA SB3000_HFUS boxes using the SUNNY EXPLORER software.. but it didn't see the units... The NET ID may not have been set right.. on 2 through F... it might have been left on 0 or 1.... it the SUNNY BEAM doesn't see it... can you guys help me fix my NET ID.. or do I have to have the installers come back and fix it...


In this case, I suggest you call SMA tech support. They should be able to help you within minutes of calling:


Tel. +1 916 625 0870
Fax +1 916 625 0871
Toll Free 1-888-4SMAUSA
Service Line phone number (Toll free): 

+1 877-697-6283
+1 877-MY-SMATech


13 years ago
Asked by
Christopher Welch