What is the best way to mount a Sunwize C2-250 battery enclosure to a finished wall with 16" on center support beams?   It is going to hold 2 G31 batteries.


The enclosure is only 16" wide - and the accessory mounting bracket is even smaller at 13" wide. This is a great product, but it's made to be attached to a variety of poles in an outdoor installation.

To get around this problem, just use a piece of 1" plywood that spans the wall joists. It should end up being about 18-20" wide for 16" OC framing and about 24" tall. Either attach the accessory Sunwize brackets to the plywood or attach the enclosure itself.

Things to consider:

  • If this is outdoors, then the plywood needs to be exterior grade and finished to resist weather.
  • The lags to hold the plywood to the wall should be sized to support the full weight of the batteries, enclosure and someone pulling on the door.
  • The bolts to attach the enclosure should penetrate the plywood from the back and be secured with lock washers inside the enclosure - no lags into the plywood.
13 years 10 months ago
Asked by
Allan Schroeder