I noticed that Xantrex has not yet published the string sizing tool for the Xantrex XW MPPT 80-600. What's a good way to estimate string size for this new inverter?
13 years 8 months ago
I noticed that Xantrex has not yet published the string sizing tool for the Xantrex XW MPPT 80-600. What's a good way to estimate string size for this new inverter?
This data sheet (pdf) would be helpful.
As long as your PV array is within the below specified limits, you are good for off-grid systems.
The XW MPPT 80-600 is a promising new charge controller from Scheider Electric (Xantrex) which has the unique ability to charge a battery bank with up to 550 VDC instead of the previous industry maximum of 150VDC.
The inverter should be shipping in early July - but there is no string sizing tool published yet by Schneider. How can a designer get some help planning a system prior to the publication of an official string sizing tool?
The official work-around from Shneider is crude, but effective: Use the grid tied GT5.0 (240VAC) string sizing tool and you should have an almost perfect guide to planning the MPPT 80 array (also about 5kW at 4800W). Link Here.