I am building my solar racking with strut rail and want to use the Cooper B-Line SHDMID20-31P and the SHDEND20-31P clamps to clamp down my panels.  Do I need to use the WEEB or will the clamp's teeth bond the panels to the strut rail? 


Yes, the Cooper B-Line clamps, designed for strut, require a WEEB WMC to bond the panel to the rail.

You can either buy the WEEB WMC separately and add them Cooper B-Line clamps or buy the them Clamps that have the WEEB per-assembled.


Jeff,If you are building your racking from plain steel (unlikely), zinc or hot dipped strut, then there is another issue the weeb solves: Aluminum and all of the above materials will cause agressive electrolysis - especially in the presence of moisture or salt laden air. The weeb works really well by separating the two with a layer of stainless steel.
12 years 8 months ago
Asked by
Jeff Ramsay