solar panel theft, solar panel security, stealing solar panels
solar panel theft, solar panel security, stealing solar panels
solar panel theft, solar panel security, stealing solar panels
solar panel theft, solar panel security, stealing solar panels
solar panel theft, solar panel security, stealing solar panels
solar panel theft, solar panel security, stealing solar panels

Regardless of one's position on the viability of solar energy, no one disagrees about the fact that solar modules are expensive. They are also easy to install, modular, sturdy and highly portable.  There are also two other key factors that affect the potential for PV module theft:

  1. PV systems have experienced dramatic growth all over the world - from inner cities to rural villages.
  2. A stolen PV module has value in resale dollars and also as a source of power for small appliances.

Here's a link to a NY Times article on the subject

As thieves begin to recognize the value and availability of PV modules, what can be done to help prevent theft? Solutions run from the Low-Tech Desperate to the Technological.



 In this article, We'll look some measures that can be taken in three scenarios: the urban, suburban and remote array locations.

  • Urban Locations

In most cases, these perpetrators are motivated by an urgent need to score fast cash - they are looking for the most value in the shortest amount of time - an unsecured construction site or a purse on the seat of a locked car are typical targets. Planned, large scale thefts are difficult and rare since high density areas tend to always be occupied by someone who could report a crime or be a witness. Securing modules in an installed array is really just a matter of making them more difficult to remove or more obviously under observation. Here are some suggestions:

  1. Security Fasteners - there are a variety of nuts and bolts which are extremely difficult to remove once they are installed. The type to use depends on the type of racking and budget.
  2. Video Cameras - this can be an unattractive sight, but if there is a video camera on the property already, it can be re-aimed or positioned to cover the solar array. There are also dummy cameras.
  3. Reduced Access - In an urban area, where the array is most likely on the roof, this can be as simple as removing items that can be used to climb onto the roof, such as ladders or storage crates.
  • Suburban Locations

In the suburbs, module theft is the lowest on residential installations and highest on commercial installations. This is because the residential installs are smaller and usually in occupied homes with limited access to the roof, while the commercial installs are in the 10 - 100kW range and usually in buildings which are unoccupied or unguarded at night. For the suburbs, protection schemes are about the same as in urban areas, but with more reliance on video and system monitoring tools.

  1. Video Monitoring with Analytics or a Guard Service - Commercial
  2. System Monitoring - Commercial
  3. Security Fasteners - Commercial and less than full-time occupancy homes.
  4. Reduced Access - This is the least exciting of the protection schemes, but really one of the most effective.
  • Rural Locations

In the rural location, all bets are off. Thieves can have plenty of time to consider their operations as well as lots of private time to execute their attack.  Good insurance is the best way to protect the remote array. If insurance is not available, or the array owner wishes to reduce his or her premium, then here are a few options beyond the previously described ones:

  1. Reduce Access even more - Fencing is always popular, but the array can also be installed on Trackers, which stow in the flat position at night to reduce access. 
  2. Video Cameras with Wireless networking and advanced analytics. Video cameras can now record, analyse and alert from remote locations at a very reasonable cost.
  3. Security Fasteners - are still a part of the equation, even though they won't stop a perp, they will slow them down and may give the authorities time to reach the location before too much damage is done. They will also lower the premium of a good insurance company.
  4. Guard - this may sound expensive, but in a truly rural area, it may be the only option - as in this case.


Great article.  Thanks for putting this together.   Question,  what are the options in regards to security fasteners or locking security bolts.   I found these two options.  Do the breakaway bolts work better than the star bolts?   Are there other faster options to install?

Solar security bolt

Security bolt starhead


There is no one solution for every installation - some require bolts and some require nuts. Greentech Renewables is working to list the three or four most useful options, so keep checking back.

Are there any labels or engravings that can be permanently affixed to panels so that if they do get stolen they can be identified if they come up for sale at a later time?  Some sort of identification number?  Would the serial number from the manufacture work for this ID processes?


Unless the serial number is under the cover glass, it's not much good. Most modules have them on the back where they can be scratched or peeled off.

It's a good idea to record them anyway. For small arrays you could engrave your Driver's License number.

Some companies are working toward RFID tags, so stay tuned...

14 years 3 months ago
Written by
Stuart Fox